Monday, September 4, 2017

Time to say Goodbye

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I belong to a family (by marriage and choice) that have the best funerals. I believe a funeral should be a celebration of a life well lived. I will never forget Grandma Kerr's funeral. Yes, everyone was sad. Oh, how they were going to miss her homemade bread and the honest love that just exuded her. Nearly every family member, friend, and neighbor(all of which she considered family) told of how she impacted their lives. When Steve McCullough sat at the pipe organ the music was not sad hymnals it was celebratory upbeat and joyous. I remember thinking that's what I want when my time comes.
Well, my time at the daycare has come. Yesterday, Mike looked at me and said," how are you feeling?" Well, the first shocker was Mike initiating a conversation. Those of you that do personally know me and Mike, will understand that comment. The second was my answer, I feel like I am at my own funeral. You know, the good kind, the Grandma Kerr kind. I am getting cards, messages, calls, hugs and more. Human's are telling me how I impacted their life but maybe, more importantly, their pup's life. I am being reminded of things I certainly have forgotten and truthfully had no idea they even mattered. 
I'm going, to be honest, I think the pups know too. Are they sad, no, I don't think so. First of all, they seem even happier to see me when I am there and they seem more attentive. 
Am I sad, sure I am but I more happy that I got to live and serve the way I did for so many years. Am I finished, hell no I'm not! My dogs know my voice, let them hear me on the radio soon.
As always my heart wrapped in their paws with one above. Debbie🐾💕🐾  


  1. On behalf of Nina and the A Team we are ALL going to miss the heck out of you!

    Janet V

  2. Love ya Deb and Mike!❤️�� You mean more to Max, Molly and myself than you can imagine. We all going to miss you guys so much, but so happy (and jealous) for you. Thank you just doesn't seem enough!❤️����❤️����

  3. Kramer will never forget you!!! Thank you for always understanding his "eccentric" ways!! God Bless you on your new journey.
