What a busy week and weekend we have all had here at Blog Headquarters!! Miss Debbie is busy finishing up last touches before her departure from O'Hairs Happy Dog Daycare on September 5th. We are sad to see her go but so excited to follow along on her new adventure of retirement. The endless opportunities that she has knocking at her door already show us that we will have a busy schedule following along with so many updates on her new ventures! Bill and Rosie are so excited to tag along and see what kind of fun Oo'Mom will find for them!

Kelly has been working away at her other job so much and enjoying her time off at the farm with Adam and farm girl Sadie and the boys "Nugglet" and Bee Gee. Kelly has been really enjoying taking rides in the car that her parents started dating in! Adam and Kelly have taken it out every weekend for a drive and grab some lunch and sometimes even our very own farm dog Sadie gets to tag along!!
"Nanny" Diana, has been spending her days outside a lot with Buddy enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having. Buddy has been playing lots of ball with "Papa." Buddy has learned that if he wants to go for a car ride that all he has to do is "go tell papa" and he goes over and nudges Dad till he gives in, Then they get to go for a ride and sometimes a stop for a cone!
I have been down with a migraine so my weekend hasn't been as fun as everyone else's but I had all 3 of my dogs hanging right with me the whole time. It's about time you guys meet my dogs... here is a little preview....
My Rotten Riley Girl
My Sweet Gretzky Wayne
My "little cat" Sam
till next time....
Dana Woodfill
Blog Contributor
Excited to introduce her dogs...
Glad ur feeling better and glad ur back! You have done wonders with this blog. So many are enjoying it, we miss your blogs but it's worth the wait. ������