Family to me means "fur"ever to me and that's a mighty long time. I remember feeling nervous when I first met my family, I had always heard Oo'Mom and my Oo'Dad telling stories about their memories with this family, I heard so many names that I couldn't keep up!! I was excited to meet them because Oo'Mom told me that even though our daycare family is also our family, each one of those people also has their own family that they get to call their very own. Wow, I, Bill had my very own family?! I sure was nervous and so excited to FINALLY meet them!! I really hoped that they like me!! Oo'Dad and Oo'Mom promised they would stay right by my side when I was to meet them and that's exactly what they did too. It sure didn't take long once I met all my cousins that I almost forgot that Oo'Mom and Oo'Dad were still standing there. It was such a HAPPY day. Most people are proud of their family and I know I am very proud of mine, so much so that I thought you would like to meet them!
Sadie, Bee Gee and (Nugglet)
These are my cousins and not only was I excited to just meet them when we got out of the car and I looked around and saw all the land and horses and it was one of the coolest places I have ever been. THEY LIVED ON A FARM!!
(Nugglet) is always being funny and cute
NAP TIME!! Bee Gee apparently couldn't decide on which bed he wanted.
UH OH! Bee Gee must have got scared of the storms again and went to his safe place. When I visited the farm we had such a storm that it blew My Kelly and Adam's canopy right off and my mommy got them a new one since I had my accident on their carpet. It feel good to do that for them. It was our way of saying thank you for our wonderful time at their Farm!
This was the best! My friend Bee Gee has his very own "floaty boat" for their pool and he gets on it and waits for someone to push him off and then he says "you just floaty boat" after. He is so smart. I love Bee Gee. He makes me HAPPY!! (Nugglet) seems to enjoy his "floaty boat" off the water, like me.
LOOK how GREAT being a farm dog must be! Sadie is so HAPPY and that makes me HAPPY!!
One of the best parts about visiting the farm was that I got to meet my new buddy Adam! Adam and his family are in charge of tons of land that provide corn and soybeans for feed for many many animals and that makes me HAPPY!! Another really cool fact about Adam is that he trains horses and owns and rides for a harness racing team!!! Adam makes me very HAPPY!!

Adam's wife Kelly is my Family, I can think of so many words that describe my Kelly, but Family is my favorite. Kelly makes you feel cozy as soon as you walk into her house. When that door opened to their house for the first time and the delicious smell that I was welcomed with. I couldn't believe how much food she had laid out for us and how much time she spent cooking and preparing for our arrival and the best part.. she let me have a taste of the St. Marie Style Chicken that was cooking on the grill ALL day and smelled so good and she gave me my very first taste of it. DELICIOUS!! Oo'Mom said that if I was allowed to have grapes, I could taste her grape salad that was Oo'Mom's favorite. Did you know there is a whole list of foods that dogs are not allowed to have? Luckily, I didn't have any of those. I had just had my surgery for a little knot removed on my hip and I was still taking my medicine to help my pain, I guess it may upset my tummy a little because I had an accident on the floor in the middle of the night. I was so embarrassed but my Kelly understood and made me feel like I was not to be embarrassed because "accidents happen and don't be embarrassed" I love Kelly. Sometimes we have accidents and that's ok.
I played all day on Kelly and Adam's Farm and I think I had some of my favorite times there.
(Nugglet) and Bee Gee enjoying some resting time after swimming
NAP TIME!! Bee Gee apparently couldn't decide on which bed he wanted.
Sadie looking out at all her fish in her very own pond on the farm!!! She showed me all the ponds and everything that is fun for a dog to do on a farm. I love Sadie, she lives a perfect farm dog life!!
UH OH! Bee Gee must have got scared of the storms again and went to his safe place. When I visited the farm we had such a storm that it blew My Kelly and Adam's canopy right off and my mommy got them a new one since I had my accident on their carpet. It feel good to do that for them. It was our way of saying thank you for our wonderful time at their Farm!
This was the best! My friend Bee Gee has his very own "floaty boat" for their pool and he gets on it and waits for someone to push him off and then he says "you just floaty boat" after. He is so smart. I love Bee Gee. He makes me HAPPY!! (Nugglet) seems to enjoy his "floaty boat" off the water, like me.
LOOK how GREAT being a farm dog must be! Sadie is so HAPPY and that makes me HAPPY!!
One of the best parts about visiting the farm was that I got to meet my new buddy Adam! Adam and his family are in charge of tons of land that provide corn and soybeans for feed for many many animals and that makes me HAPPY!! Another really cool fact about Adam is that he trains horses and owns and rides for a harness racing team!!! Adam makes me very HAPPY!!

Adam's wife Kelly is my Family, I can think of so many words that describe my Kelly, but Family is my favorite. Kelly makes you feel cozy as soon as you walk into her house. When that door opened to their house for the first time and the delicious smell that I was welcomed with. I couldn't believe how much food she had laid out for us and how much time she spent cooking and preparing for our arrival and the best part.. she let me have a taste of the St. Marie Style Chicken that was cooking on the grill ALL day and smelled so good and she gave me my very first taste of it. DELICIOUS!! Oo'Mom said that if I was allowed to have grapes, I could taste her grape salad that was Oo'Mom's favorite. Did you know there is a whole list of foods that dogs are not allowed to have? Luckily, I didn't have any of those. I had just had my surgery for a little knot removed on my hip and I was still taking my medicine to help my pain, I guess it may upset my tummy a little because I had an accident on the floor in the middle of the night. I was so embarrassed but my Kelly understood and made me feel like I was not to be embarrassed because "accidents happen and don't be embarrassed" I love Kelly. Sometimes we have accidents and that's ok.
I played all day on Kelly and Adam's Farm and I think I had some of my favorite times there.

(Nugglet) looking out at the sunset over their farm.
Adam and Bee Gee enjoying the view together
Blog Contributor
"Life on the farm"
Blog Contributor
Judy and Ron (Howard) Job
In Remembrance of my Aunt and Uncle who I loved with all my heart and mom says I have an extra big one. Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy were Kelly's parents and My Oo'Moms sister and brother and law. When we lost them we were all sad and sometimes that when I feel like us dogs work our hardest by showing those humans all our love so they know we are always here for them. That's really our jobs sometimes if we think about it pups. Sometimes, our humans just need to hold and pet us and that is ok and makes me extra HAPPY to help. Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy loved all animals and had so many in their lifetime that they must be some of the best people I know and they made Bill so HAPPY!
Loved this!