I go to the store, and every time I get lost in the dog aisle, wanting to spoil them with all and yet wondering, exactly what are the treats we are giving our dog babies? So, I come up with a new plan for the blog!!! LET'S BAKE SOME HAPPY!
I have tried to make a few and with pretty good feedback from the dogs. Gretzky, my sweet boy always thanks me and tells me I am "making a difference." Riley has to worry about what everyone else gets first before she will take one but she seemed to enjoy them as well. Now, my sweet tiny little Sam, she has always had issues with her stomach so, we rarely give her much other than her food because she usually vomits anything other than. That makes me sad so I give her the tiniest pinch so she won't feel left out and she always does just fine with that.
So, HAPPY readers, I believe that soon we will start trying treats and letting the dogs vote!! Our very own blog contributors are going to try out recipes, test them on their dogs and we will update you with the results. We don't just strive for HAPPY in this blog, we also are looking to help you out with good info and with all the dogs in our family, I promise, there will be plenty of judges and we can hopefully help you find a good fit for your dog with all our different personalities we have here at the blog. Have any good recipes? Email them to me!!
Till the treats are ready...