Thursday, September 7, 2017

Dog Behavior vs.How We Roll at Happy Dog

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 It is innate nature, survival of the fittest. The harsh truth about that statement is; if a pack animal(dog) has a seizure the others will kill it. No, not cruel just nature. I always say,"sometimes they just act like dogs." 
During my many years of taking care of many many pups, I watched more seizures than I care to remember. Tiny little Kramer had them
and a few great big kids too. The one time that stands out in my mind and was so not normal it involved Ginger, Carl, and Mercury. Two Golden Retrievers and a Husky. 
Mercury, the Husky was the youngest and had never had a seizure that we or his pup-parents were aware of. I honestly think many seizures happen when mom and dad are at work and they never know it happened. 
I know my dogs and I know their sounds. Much like they know my voice. I was on my way out to the gym, all the big kids were in the back yard playing. All at once I heard a sound that was obviously a dog but certainly, not normal. It wasn't a ruckus it was an alarm, a cry for help! I went running. By the time I made it through the building and out to them what I saw shocked even me. Mercury was on the ground up against the fence heading into a slow uncontrolled Trimble. Carl, the biggest Golden was standing over him. A fierce look on his face as he eyed all the pack standing around watching. Carl took his eye off them long enough to acknowledge me; as if to say..... Thank God, what took you so long? Ginger, my genius Golden was standing at their side letting out the most guttural sound of alarm I have ever heard. Stopping only when I got there. Almost instinctively they both stepped aside and let me tend to Mercury. By this time he was aware of his surroundings but not anxious to get up. I knew immediately what had happened, Mercury had seizures. It took awhile for it to sink in that these two went totally against nature and not only protected their friend, they got help! The really cool part is they were all about the same age and all started daycare together as puppies. 
Today, Sweet Smart Ginger has gone to the rainbow bridge, Mercury takes his meds every morning and I am sad to say I have lost touch with Carl. 
Thanks for reading and as always, my heart wrapped in their paws with one above. 🐾💕🐾 Miss Debbie